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USE IT, WEAR IT OFF, FIX IT, OR DO WITHOUT IT. Premise during the scarcity of resources and goods during the Second World War.


MAC Insular participates in the SMART ISLAND WORLD CONGRESS (23-24 APRIL 2018 CALVIÀ, MALLORCA)

Visit http://www.smartislandcongress.com/en/home to know more about the congress.


MAC Insular visits the facilities of the penitentiary center of Palma

MAC Insular visits the facilities of the penitentiary center of Palma invited by the CAEB. Among other things, it has been possible to see the productive workshops.


MAC Insular participates in the smart island WORLD CONGRESS (20-21 APRIL 2017 CALVIÀ, MALLORCA)

Visit http://www.smartislandcongress.com to know more about the congress.